
With our expert guidance, you can safeguard your brand effortlessly and affordably. Don't let anyone else claim your hard-earned reputation - let us help you secure it.

How IT Works?

Our Seamless Trademark Registration Process

Secure your trademark in just three straightforward online steps – it's quick and hassle-free!

Share Your Trademark Details
Provide us with the essential
information about your trademark.

Conduct Thorough

Our experts will perform
an in-depth search to ensure
your trademark's availability.

File Your Application with

We’ll handle the entire filing process
with the USPTO, getting your trademark
on the path to official registration.

What We DO

Serving Thousands Of Businesses And Enterprises, Big And Small

From scrappy startups to leading financial institutions, the word is out. Deluxe is a mover and shaker of global commerce.

Trademark Registration

Please provide us with information regarding your trademark, including the brand name, slogan, or logo.

Trademark Monitoring

Please provide us with information regarding your trademark, including the brand name, slogan, or logo.

Trademark Renewal

Please provide us with information regarding your trademark, including the brand name, slogan, or logo.

Comprehensive Search

Please provide us with information regarding your trademark, including the brand name, slogan, or logo.


Our Affordable Trademark Registration Packages

Trademark Search

Starting In

+ USPTO Fee $350/Class*

Trademark logo and name with expert registration service.

  • Direct-Hit Search of the Federal database which will include misspellings for live and pending applications.

  • Professional Preparation of your federal trademark application.

Lets Get Started

Trademark Standard Package

Starting In

+ USPTO Fee $350/Class*

Get comprehensive trademark registration solutions.

  • Direct-Hit Search of the Federal database which will include misspellings for live and pending applications.

  • Professional Preparation of your federal trademark application.

  • Digitalization and Formatting of your trademark specimens and designs.

  • Electronic Delivery of your trademark application with no need to wait for mail or dealing with paper files. This will qualify you the reduced government filing fee.

  • Secure Online Account with calendar of important dates. Your status, documents, and important deadlines will be available to you 24/7 through your online account.

  • Assessment of Application by our team to avoid any loopholes that might cause rejection at the government's office.

  • Cease and Desist Letter A customized form that can be used if someone infringing on your mark.

  • Transfer and Assignment Letter If you need to sell or otherwise convey your mark, you have access to your template that you can further customize to your needs.

  • 1 Month of Trademark Monitoring service to notify you of possible infringers of your trademark ($88 value).

Lets Get Started

Trademark Deluxe Package

Starting In

+ USPTO Fee $350/Class*

Get your trademark certified today!

  • Direct-Hit Search of the Federal database which will include misspellings for live and pending applications.

  • Professional Preparation of your federal trademark application.

  • Digitalization and Formatting of your trademark specimens and designs.

  • Electronic Delivery of your trademark application with no need to wait for mail or dealing with paper files. This will qualify you the reduced government filing fee.

  • Secure Online Account with calendar of important dates. Your status, documents, and important deadlines will be available to you 24/7 through your online account.

  • Assessment of Application by our team to avoid any loopholes that might cause rejection at the government's office.

  • Cease and Desist Letter A customized form that can be used if someone infringing on your mark.

  • Transfer and Assignment Letter If you need to sell or otherwise convey your mark, you have access to your template that you can further customize to your needs.

  • 1 Year of Trademark Monitoring service to notify you of possible infringers. The normal price for our monitoring service is $175. You receive a full year for free when choosing our Deluxe package.

  • 24-hour Expedited Processing of the preparation of your trademark application. Normal processing time is 5 business days in our Basic and Standard packages.

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee Our customer service team is made up of dedicated trademark representatives with one goal - to meet each client's needs in a friendly, caring, and efficient manner. If you do not think we have met this goal, let us know and we will be happy to make every effort to resolve the issue(s).

Lets Get Started

See Why Others Are Choosing
Trademark Fenix!

We value the experimentation, the reformation of the message, and the mart incentives. We offer a variety of services and solutions Worldwide and this is at the heart of how we approach our.

J. Stinson

Owner of GenesisX

Outstanding Service! "Trademark Fenix made the entire process of trademark registration simple and stress-free. Their customer service is top-notch, and they were always available to answer my questions. I highly recommend them for anyone needing trademark services!"

Sterline Cryer

Owner of Alloy Folio

Exceptional Experience! "I had an amazing experience with Trademark Fenix. The team was professional, knowledgeable, and very supportive throughout the process. They made filing my trademark straightforward and easy. I couldn't be happier with their service!"

Eric Smith

Founder of CodeCrux

We were struggling to navigate the trademark process until we found Trademark Fenix. Their expert guidance made it easy and stress-free. They were responsive and diligent, ensuring a smooth journey. Trademark Fenix is now our go-to for trademark services.

Adam Johnson

Founder of LogicNex Innovations

I had two options and am glad I hired Trademark Fenix for trademark registration. Their team was professional, knowledgeable, and delivered beyond expectations. They were responsive throughout the process, and I'm confident in protecting my brand. Great work!


Frequently Asked

  • What is a Trademark and What Does It Do?

    A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of another party. Similarly, a “service” mark distinguishes the source of a service rather than a good, but both are commonly referred to as a “trademark” or “mark.” Essentially, getting a trademark protects your brand. Many of the well-known brands, logos, and slogans you love, know, and trust have been registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • What Are The Benefits of Registering a Trademark?

    1. National Ownership Presumption: Registering a trademark grants the registrant presumed ownership of the brand on a national level and the presumed right to use the brand nationwide.
    2. Preventive Measure: Registration can help prevent others from registering a confusingly similar mark later.
    3 .Legal Advantage: It aids in bringing a case in federal court if someone infringes on the brand.
    4. Use of ® Symbol: Once registered, you can start using the ® symbol after your name, logo, or slogan.

  • What is the Additional Protection with a Declaration of Incontestability?

    After a mark is properly registered and used for five years, Trademark Fenix can help file a “Declaration of Incontestability.” This provides significant protection under U.S. trademark law, preventing others from contesting a trademark on grounds such as:
    1. The mark is not inherently distinctive.
    2. It is confusingly similar to another mark that was used first.
    3. The mark is merely functional rather than identifying the source of the goods or services.

  • What is a Common Law Trademark and Why Register a Mark?

    Under U.S. law, a “common law trademark” is established when someone uses a company name, logo, or slogan in commerce, even without registration. But why bother registering a trademark when a common law trademark may already exist?

    Benefits of Registering a Trademark:

    1. Nationwide Protection: Common law rights are typically limited to the geographic area where the mark is used, unlike the nationwide protection obtained with USPTO registration.
    2. Expansion of Brand: Registering a trademark removes geographical limitations, facilitating brand expansion.
    3. Legal Advantages: In court, registered trademark holders have a stronger position regarding the validity and usage date of the mark.
    4. Favorable Remedies: Registered trademark owners enjoy more favorable remedies in litigation scenarios.
    5. Database Maintenance: Once accepted by the USPTO, the trademark is maintained in their database, dissuading others from using the mark in the future.
    6. Dispute Avoidance: By registering a trademark, future companies are notified that the mark is spoken for, reducing potential disputes.

  • Should Companies Trademark Their Name or Logo?

    Registering both a name and an associated logo offers advantages, but it's important to note that each filing incurs separate government filing fees and processing fees to Trademark Engine, totaling more than $600.
    Trademarking a Name:
    . Provides broader protection against wrongful use, as wrongful use of names is more common than logos.
    . Prevents any use of the name that causes confusion, even if it's within a unique logo.
    . Offers budget-friendly protection compared to logo registration.
    Trademarking a Logo:
    . Protects the specific elements of the logo, such as shape, orientation, stylization, and sometimes color.
    . Typically prevents others from using the logo or something confusingly similar to it.
    . May not necessarily protect the company name used within the logo in all contexts.
    . Requires a new application for amended or redesigned logos, which is common.

  • Should Companies Trademark Their Name or Logo?

    There may be advantages to registering both a name and an associated logo. But bear in mind, each filing requires its own government filing fees and processing fees to Trademark Engine so registering both costs more than $600.

    A more budget-friendly option could involve registering just a company name. Wrongful use of names seems to be more common than wrongful use of logos. Trademarking a name generally provides broader protection because it prevents any use of the name that causes confusion, even if someone tries to use the name within a unique logo.

    A mark for a logo typically protects the shape, orientation, stylization and sometimes color in that particular logo. Registering ordinarily prevents others from using that logo or something confusingly similar to the logo. Even if a company name is in the logo, registering the logo may only protect the use of that name in the particular way it is used in the logo and not the use of the name more generally. Moreover, amended or redesigned logos usually require a new application for the new logo. As may be expected, logo changes seem to be more common than name changes.

  • Why Does a Company Need a Trademark if It Has a Domain Name?

    Much like how the availability of a corporate name in a given state does not necessarily provide superior trademark rights to use the name in commerce, the availability of the domain name is not an indication either. A company could have a trademark name on a product or service, but not have acquired the domain name.

    The availability of the domain name should be one part of a comprehensive search, which Trademark Engine offers, to help evaluate the strength of a brand name or slogan and the likelihood of a trademark being approved. Using a domain name as part of a brand that sells goods or services may establish common law trademark rights. A “common law” trademark can be established when a name, logo or slogan is used in commerce, even if it is not registered. Common law rights, however, are limited to the geographic area where the mark is actually used as opposed to the nationwide protection typically established by registration of a mark with the USPTO.

    The geographic limitations of an unregistered mark can make it difficult to expand a business. On the other hand, a person using a mark in a limited geographic area could be boxed in by someone else who offensively registers a similar mark. In addition, registration of a trademark customarily gives the person holding the registered trademark a leg up in court as to the validity of the mark and the date of usage in later trademark infringement litigation, if it comes to that. There are also favorable remedies available to registered trademark owners in the event of litigation. Finally, once a trademark is accepted by the USPTO, it should be maintained in the USPTO database, which can discourage others from using the mark in the future. Future companies should be on notice that the mark is already spoken for, which should in turn help avoid at least some disputes.

    General Benefits to Registering a Mark:
    . Nationwide protection
    . Presumed right to the exclusive use of the mark nationwide
    . Presumed validity of the mark in a lawsuit
    . Additional remedies in court
    . May increase the value of the company
    . You can record the mark with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which may help stop importation of infringing or counterfeit goods into the U.S.
    . The right to use the ® symbol

  • Do Companies Usually Register Their Slogans?

    If investing heavily in a marketing campaign with a slogan, a company might consider registering a slogan as well. Short catch phrases or sayings that are sold as part of merchandise (like shirts or hats) can also be registered. The same rules apply that are applicable to picking and registering a company name. Namely, the slogan should be inherently distinctive and creative or have developed a secondary meaning. In other words, “really good pizza” probably can’t be trademarked unless that saying has become so famous that most consumers associate it with a certain pizza brand.

  • What Information Will I Need?

    The whole process will usually take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes on the Trademark Engine website. For a typical application, be prepared to provide at least the following:
    1. The Actual Mark You Want to Use:
    This could be your company name, logo, or slogan.
    2. Full Legal Name and Address of the Owner of the Mark:
    Your complete legal information as the owner of the mark.
    3. A Copy of the Specimen:
    An example that shows you are using the mark in commerce. This could be a picture of your product or a website advertising your service.
    4. Category of Goods or Services:
    Choose a category from our drop-down menu and provide a description of your goods or services.
    5. Dates of First Use:
    The date you first used the mark in commerce and the date you first shared the mark anywhere.

Register your mark so your
competitors can’t benefit from it.

Get the best chance of success with US Trade Mark Solutions

Register My Mark